
Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Flower crafts

This post should have appeared in May the latest when we finished our flower projects. Well, there are tons of flowers around us during the summer time so it's never too late to have a closer look at them.

Now I'd like to share  2 of our flower activities with you (later, in another post I'll write about some science experiment involving flowers)

1. Bottle cap flowers 

I've been collecting bottle tops for a long time and I've only had one or two good ways to use them, like the bottle cap calculator or the colour matching and size sorting activities.

What you need:

  • bottle caps of different colours
  • green straws
  • glue
  • cardboard
  • scissors (optional - not in the picture)

How to make it:

Show and explain your child the different (basic) parts of a flower. E. had already known these parts so E. named them as I put together a flower.

we didn't go under the ground so no roots

Then we both started to work on our flowers. We were talking about what colour petals we chose or if our stem was long or short, if the flower had leaves or not.

E. used the scissors herself to cut the stems.

E.'s pic
Although not in our pictures, we also mentioned that a seed (Can you see in E.' picture the tiny seed on the ground on the left side? It was totally her idea) should go to the ground and with the help of water and sunshine it grows into a flower (hence the watering can on E.'s picture and the sun in mine)

Mommy's pic

This is just the first step on parts of a flower. We'll expand the topic later on. I'm planning to prepare some flashcards and worksheets on more detailed explanation on flower parts.

2. Paper plate flower - a goodbye present

E. has said goodbye to her créche teachers and started kindergarten in July. We prepared these paper plate flowers as part of her goodbye presents. (You can find the original idea through the link)

What you need:

  • paper plates (we used 3 for 3 flowers)
  • crepe paper of different colours
  • Popsicle sticks 
  • green paint
  • glue 
  • cello-tape (optional)
  • markers

How to make it:

Cut out flower petal shapes of the plates. First, I drew the lines on the paper plate then I started cutting.

As I know E. has no patience to do long tasks I decided to direct her attention on coloured letters written on the paper plate. The letters showed her where to stick which colour. Her focus was much better in this way.

I also wrote Thank you! in the middle and letters of her name she could trace.

I cut up the colourful crepe paper into small pieces beforehand. We ran out of them on the way so she wanted to cut more crepe paper herself. 

Cutting practice

This was a great way to relax a little bit as there's lengthy gluing involved.

Pinching the crepe pieces

just a dab of glue

A goodbye flower for Bea néni

Finally, we painted the popsicle sticks and glued them on the back of the flowers. (I fixed them with cello-tape just to be on the safe side.)

We did this projects in two goes as it was tiring and long-winding.
E. was still enthusiastic, even at the second round.

Unfortunately, I forgot to take a photo of all the three flowers so here is what we made for Ms K.

Needless to say, they were all over the moon when they received their presents.
Have you done some flower crafts or projects lately? Do not hesitate to share it in the comments below.

To be continued.... with a flower science experiment. Stay tuned!

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